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We are providing management advisory services regarding strategies and implementation 

Forest Road

Helping organizations to achieve their ESG targets

We combine our expertises’ knowledge with the most common sustainability related standards defined by EFRAG, GRI or EFPA to help our clients to set, measure, benchmark and maximize their ESG performance. We also provide help to communicate organization’s ESG strategies.

Management consulting

We specialize in business development, site selection and governmental affairs, helping businesses make informed decisions and navigate complex regulatory landscapes by offering expert advice, guidance, and solutions to help clients improve their overall performance, solve specific challenges, and achieve strategic goals. With years of experience we are offering site selection & FDI related services.

Management consultancy

Partnering with small and medium-size enterprises

Unlocking sustainable growth in small and medium-size enterprises is a key element to net zero targets. Alongside with large companies we are committed to partner with SMEs to help them in their adoption to the standards of international value chains adjusting our method to their needs.

Our approach

Reimler’s goal is to enable our clients to make their decisions based on holistic information, considering legal, financial and sustainability aspects while taking into account the criteria of practical feasibility. We are committed to dissent and maintain our ethical and professional standards.

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